Showing posts with label analytics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label analytics. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Data Vizualisation


Time and attention, as ever, are at a premium. Especially when we must work within the limitations of speed and resources while information and markets move and change ever more rapidly. AI and machine learning make it possible to gather, analyze, and interpret data into actionable insights at inhuman speed. But this data must be understood, translated, and shared. Quick, clear, and compelling data visualization allows you to present large amounts of complex information as a powerful story for any audience. 

Why does data visualization work so well and what are the best ways to visualize data and build your business?

 Let’s start with visualization. Most people are visual learners. We learn and communicate visually because compared to written language our brains have been processing visual information for much longer and have evolved to do that work more quickly and efficiently, much of it unconsciously. Research has been cited showing the brain to process images and graphic information up to 60,000 times faster than text. So maybe a picture is worth several thousand words.

And data, in itself, even when it’s arranged in expansive tables of numbers, is on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of our ability to quickly process, compute, recognize patterns, and find meaning.

That’s unfortunate because among all the data is a wealth of valuable and important insight. However, the speed of data analytics tools and visualization software more than make up for our relatively slow thinking. It’s a perfect example of humans and machines teaming up with their complementary strengths to transform how we see and understand the world. The dynamic partnership of art and science in data visualization can spark explosive growth in creativity and revenue across your entire business.

Digital tools enable human analysts to study and interpret patterns and trends to gain actionable insights for making adjustments and developing initiatives. With AI and machine learning, we can distill galactic amounts of seemingly random and chaotic data that means almost nothing to any human staring at a sea of numbers in a table or spreadsheet. However, arranged as visual models, these insights tell a story or many possible versions of a story, and data-driven strategies are developed using the best, most relevant information.

Data, data, everywhere…

Data is the digital residue of the world in motion, of people living, working, and playing. It drives and is produced by business, science, technology, sports, and so many other human activities we don’t immediately associate with data, including art. 

Data is valuable because it tells billions of stories — stories within stories. Imagine Big Data as a massive human novel-in-progress, and we are all characters in it. If each word is one byte of data, then the world produces 2.5 quintillion words a day. That’s a word count equivalent to writing Tolstoy’s War and Peace about 1.7 trillion times a day, or 19,707,697 times per second. Let that sink in.

Everywhere, data flows and accumulates. But, of course, that’s not the end of it. 

You’ve got data. Now what? It’s time to analyze, interpret, and translate.

Now you need to find the stories within the data. You’ve got the raw material, the words and maybe some sentences and paragraphs, but none of that makes any cohesive sense yet. No one could pick a scene out of that mountain range of verbiage. 

Once you get that data, how do you make it work for you? While goals, audiences, and strategies vary by company, data visualization organizes information for quick and easy understanding across functions, industries, and even cultures.

In the same way that memes do so much work with an image and maybe a line or two of text, a graph can be worth a table of a million numbers.

Relationships between data sets become clear in seconds compared to hours of poring over the same information arranged in tables and spreadsheets, and still missing key trends, patterns, and connections.

Assemble the story before it’s too late

On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after launch. During the investigation, it was discovered that colder temperatures compromised the integrity of the O-rings, which had become brittle and failed, leading to the explosion. Although engineers had gathered data and presented various data sets in several tables, key data sets of temperature and O-ring failure rates had not been shown in relation to each other. Experts had the data they needed but had not organized it visually, and missed the insight they needed when they needed it to make a decision that would have saved lives.

The power of data analytics and visual representation can give you real-time actionable insight to make data-driven decisions in the moment that impact every area of your business. Offer what your customers need and want. Build a stronger brand presence. Create better customer experiences. Fix problems early. And, depending on the context, even save lives.

Creative data visualization: Saving lives since 1854

Harmonize form and content to give your data life, and maybe even save lives

It’s not a revelation that representing data in a graph or chart or map can be a quick and effective way to understand and communicate information. Strong and compelling data made clear and understandable is approximately 43 percent more engaging and persuasive.

An early example of data visualization came from the work of John Snow, considered one of the founders of epidemiology, who tracked the cholera outbreak of 1854 in London by representing his data on a map. This helped him and others to see how the disease moved through the community. He figured out that the main point of transmission was a handle on a well pump, which was then removed, having an enormous impact on fighting the outbreak.

When interpreted and understood in a timely way, data visualization is a powerful guide for making informed decisions with confidence in their predictive power.

Flattening the curve with the help of data visualization

Examples of visual arrangements of data have been front and center since the beginning of the year.

Using three straight lines and two curves, the COVID “flatten the curve” graph has been successful in conveying two scenarios where, 1) we go about business as usual without practicing social distancing or any other measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, or 2) we take measures to slow the spread of the virus, which is indicated by the shorter longer curve that stays below the horizontal line indicating the maximum number of patients the healthcare system can handle at once. The taller curve in scenario 1 rises above that line, meaning that the people represented by that area likely will not receive the care they need because the hospitals would not have the resources at that time.

That’s only a quick distillation of an explanation but is already far more cumbersome than the information quickly presented by a few lines and a couple of curves. Processing visual information 60,000 times faster than text sounds more believable. The data and the story are coded in the image of that graph, yet another image worth thousands of words as well as lives.

Another example includes heat maps showing areas hardest hit by COVID-19. The same data visualized differently as a bar or line graph shows the impact of various state or national efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus by comparing those who took varying stances on social distancing and shelter in place measures.

To show the possible speed and distance of spreading the coronavirus by ignoring social distancing measures, anonymized cell phone data tracking was visualized with a heat map to show how a small group of vacationers on the beach could impact the rest of the country by potentially carrying the virus back home with them.

Art and science come together

What form of visualization will bring the content of your data to life? That depends on what you’re trying to see in the data, what story you want to tell, who needs to see the story in your data, and other factors.

Watching data flows of all kinds is mesmerizing, satisfying, and incredibly informative all at the same time. An example of engaging and informative animated and interactive data visualization is Visual Capitalist. Take a look after you finish reading, though, because you’ll be there a while. Rabbit holes abound. 

Eventually, you’ll be ready to put your own data on display. Sometimes a simple pie chart or a graph will do the job. But if you’re looking to do something more creative with your data visualization to engage your audience, Tableau is an example of the current state of data visualization tools.

Gather and analyze data with purpose. Amassing huge quantities of information without rhyme or reason can still end up costing a lot of time and money and get you nowhere. 

Okay, so how can data visualization improve your business?

1. Locate processes and initiatives needing improvement or adjustment. Take the pulse of your people and your business to find sources of friction that can be smoothed out. Visualizing the right data gains faster buy-in and stronger alignment. Understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of workflows, hierarchies, and everyday business processes, as well as functions, such as marketing, production, sales, and service, can all be monitored by collecting data and then analyzing it in ways that reveal what otherwise goes unseen or unnoticed.

2. Understand your customers, partners, and other stakeholders. Take surveys. Monitor social media. Gather this important data with transparency and consent. The powerhouse team of AI, machine learning, Big Data, and the Internet of Things can collect, analyze, and help make sense of whatever amount of data you have and need. Knowing how stakeholders and customers are feeling, what they want, and how your efforts can be improved gives you the keys to respond with precision.

3. Predict marketing, sales, and other performance. One of the greatest values of Big Data, AI, and machine learning is the power to consult past and present trends and behaviors and then to predict what’s next, building an agile strategy based on the most probable models and scenarios.

4. Develop the most effective strategies for your situation. Data analysis enables your teams to see what’s working and what’s not, and, most importantly: why. Understanding the why can inform your problem solving, since data analysis is also finding problems as well as gaining insights to help solve those problems – whether it’s a quality issue, a situation or process causing churn, room to improve customer experience, getting ahead of shifting market trends, or pivoting operations to respond to major disruption. Seeing the data tell impossibly complex stories with a few visuals that replace the sea of data not only saves time and money getting to that point, but also in guiding your team to the right strategy.

5. Communicate and motivate using your data to tell a story. Customers, colleagues, and investors appreciate having complex information presented in a way that’s clear and easy to understand and use to make informed decisions. Conveying your knowledge, vision, and strategy often calls for strong data to back it up. Present your story with authority and confidence. Creativity inspires creativity.

6. Respond quickly, effectively, and creatively. Time is always in great demand and short supply. Speed remains essential to agility. Creativity is compelling. Gaining clear and current insights to inform swift, creative, and effective action is the advantage that data analytics and visualization grants companies who learn how to harness its cosmic scale of possibilities.

 By: Rena Gadimova

Friday, March 2, 2012

Advanced Multi-Channel Funnel Analysis using Google Analytics

Advanced Multi-Channel Funnel Analysis using Google Analytics

Multi-Channel Funnel has been in Google Analytics for a while. Although by searching "Multi-Channel Analysis" you could find a lot of great how-to articles to leverage this powerful function, but seldom of them have explored the opportunities in using it for better resources allocation decision based on ROI estimation, particularly, using Assisted Conversions. Hence, i have decided to put together my experience in marketing, analytic, and infographic to demonstrate the following analytic model. Enjoy.

(Disclosure: i am currently working at MRM Worldiwide, a Digital Strategy agency under McCann WorldGroup, and hopefully the following model will be used in our service have fun ! XD)

A Closer Look to Assisted Conversion

Apart from the Multi-Channel Funnel view in Google Analytics, Assisted Conversion Report is the one that we are looking for. If you have some experience in Omniture, you would know that Assisted Conversion is indeed having similar logic as Participation Variable, a way to estimate the potential value that a particular entity, exists within a funnel of process, has driven. For example, if a visitor purchase a dress online after she visit a review on a forum (outside the eshop), both our eshop and the external forum will be entitled to have contributions, in terms of conversions and revenue, counted towards themselves, either evenly (all entities have the same value) or linearly (all entities gain the average of value gained, only in Omniture), demonstrating that how the entity "participate" within the whole conversion path.
A snapshot of Assisted Conversion Report of my groupbuying site: Cheapppy


What makes Multi-Channel Funnel in Google Analytics more powerful (than Omniture) is, it has segmented that participation value for you, based on whether that entity, in the above graph would be "Channel", has contributed as the Last Interaction or not. Should that channel is not the last step before the visitor being converted, then it's "assisting" the conversion flow, and that counts towards as their Assisted Conversions instead.

The power behind this logic is the different between Assisted Conversion and Last Interactions Conversion. Traditionally we count conversion towards the "last stop" of visitors, but with the uprising of Social Media, where fans usually "engage" and "consider" rather than "converted", increases the complexity of the tradition conversion path as well as the evaluation process. Google does this tedious work for you, by introducing the Assisted Conversion, it is easier for analyst to tell if certain channels are good enough to support the conversion flow despite that they might not be the "last stop" of visitors. To make this concept even more clear, Google introduce the "Assisted / Last Interaction Conversions (Ratio)" which tells whether a channel could drive more Assisted or Last Interaction Conversions (>1 = "contribute more within the flow", <1 = "contribute more as last stop").

So, How to decide when we need Resources Reallocation?

Before drilling into details on how we could leverage such report for resources planning, let's talk more about how to determine a if a channel is "Good-or-Bad" under the new complexity of conversion cycle.

Knowing the Path is one thing, determine the effectiveness is another

To answer such question, indeed, it depends on the "what you are looking for". In general, a channel with high ROI (relative to other channels) would always mean that they're performing better. With the help of Google for having segmentation in Assisted between Last Interaction makes this question more insightful: is certain channel better at assisting other channels for conversion? If i were Levis, should my f-commerce strategy more effective in assisting other channels or driving direct conversion?

Another frequently asked questions would be, instead of Channel level, how good would certain Ad Group performing? How good are we adapting our Sales cycle along with our SEM strategy (i.e. paid search traffics driven by targeting relevant landing pages based on Awareness-Consideration-PurchaseIntent model) ? An effective Ad Group should thus have a relatively higher Assisted ROI if it is targeting for Awareness or Consideration items, otherwise we should change the target to Purchase Intent or even Conversion pages if it's last interaction ROI is higher.

Simply speaking, to determine if we reallocating from one to another, we need to determine the characteristics of the items, either they're Channels or AdGroups, first.

Assisted ROI & Direct ROI Estimation

Normally Google suggests us to us "Assisted / Last Interaction Conversions" to analyze for how good certain channel perform in either Assisted or Direct way. But it's just a ratio based on "occurrence". If you have followed the whole logic so far, you should know by now we should look for a way to determine both the Assisted ROI (from Assisted Conversions) or Direct ROI (from Last Interaction Conversions) of Channels which provide a more business angle for us to handle our question. So how could we calculate such business metric based on what we currently have (the Assisted Conversion report)? Let's begin from the basic definition:

As for our case, we could easily fill-in-blank using the following formulas...

And here's how the data (fake one) presented in a spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet with mock-up data (already explained a lot of things!)
Organ Part - Assisted Conversions Report from Google Analytics 
Green Part - Cost spent a particular Channel (or items). Based on the participation concept, the total Cost spent on a Channel will be shared by all the Assisted and Direct Conversions, thus the Assisted Cost and Direct Cost of a Channel could be estimated by the portion of corresponding conversions achieved. (If you wish to know more about Costing Estimation,
Purple Part - ROI based on corresponding segment (Assisted or Direct)

Easy enough, to determine the channel characteristics, we simply put the data on a Relational Map, with x-axis as Assisted ROI and y-axis as Direct ROI. Almost done!

Looks like the Referral is under-preformed, sounds like a good action point to begin with!

What Actions We need to Take?

I couldn't emphasize more enough that any chart or infographics without Action Triggers is simply meaningless.,  I have talked about how we could put an infographic onto an upper level and make it more actionable in the 5th steps. A relation map like above is no more than a graphics presentation based on data. So the key is to help readers identify the action right away after they read the chart. On the above chart, think about breaking down into 4 different sections:
1 | 2
3 | 4
Section #1 - Channels that are bad in Assisted Conversion (-ve Assisted ROI) but good at Direct Conversion (+ Direct ROI)  
Section #2 - Channels that are good at both Assisted and Direct Conversion 
Section #3 - Channels that are bad at both Assisted and Direct Conversion.... (simply under-preformed...) 
Section #4 - Channels that are good at Assisted Conversion but bad at Direct one 

Now identifying action is simple:

If you are looking for under-performed channel, read Section #3, those channels are definitely having some issue (which you have to investigate!)

If you are looking for performance of social entities, like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and even other online communities,  where you are expecting high Assisted ROI, see if they're at Section #2 or #4, if not, well, you know what i mean.

How about reallocation of resources? Start from something poorly performed and move those resources, usually dollar-signed, to those well performed ones. Simply speaking, if you have decide to reallocate instead of optimizing or fixing problem, move resources from items in Section #3 to those in #2. Easy.

The point here is, in any business, or even down to a single business process (like SEM), all we're focusing is Return on Investment. If some operation couldn't bring return in any form (e.g. Impression is a kind of return, and we could easy convert it into dollar-signed using CPM), then it is either we need to fix the problem, or simply give it up and free the resources for those well-performed ones.

Always remember the if-this-than-that rules. It always helps in designing for actions triggers.

Looks Good, but only Channel level Analysis?

No. (Why stop here? XD)

The Assisted vs Direct ROI drives lots of potential dimensions in analysis, here's some other variation we could take a look based on the same logic as above:

1. Referral Analysis
Segment the Assisted report based on Source/Medium will give you a over view in all upstream traffics. It is essentially important if you have broad social media strategy which occupying different channels like facebook plus twitter plus linkedin plus pinterest and so on... then such break down will let you understand how good is your social media team is working and let them know if they need to tune their tactics in different media.

2. Campaign Analysis
A more aggressive approach is broken down by Campaigns. This angle provides marketers a more insightful view on how different campaigns are performing. Not limited to social media engagement, but also social ad. vs sponsored tweets, break-up email vs cart-abandon emails, banners ad vs display ad, (offline with qr code) etc. Make sure your marketing team have tagged the upstream URL correctly in order to fully leverage this powerful report.

3. AdGroup / Keywords Analysis (in AdWords)
The last angle we could have a look is the SEM performance, which, traditionally, we focus too much solely on the click-through rate and cost per click, and simply overlook the importance of how they actually generate goals or even leads to our business. With the Assisted / Direct ROI model we could now easily tell if certain AdGroup or Keyword are performing as expected, says, a set of retention keywords (e.g. "where to repair my iPad 2?") should be expecting a higher Assisted ROI as it helps satisfying customer and supporting future purchases. This will also help strategizing how each landing page should be doing as well.
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