1. The matching option that comes by default

This is important for both interested in Yandex SEO and Yandex.Direct PPC. What Wordstat keyword tool returns as search volumes is probably the closest to what Google would return for a modified broad match.
This means that search volumes in Yandex keyword tool will include impressions for all queries containing all words of your key phrase in any order, in all forms, including plural.
Yandex kyeword tool Wordstat
The prepositions and other stop-words are ignored, like in Microsoft AdCenter, but if you would like to see the search volume for a phrase with a particular preposition, you can use the plus sign in front of it.
By default search volume for coat with a belt will actually include search volume for both coat with a belt and coat without a belt.
If you are interested in finding out search volumes for phrases containing the term coat with a belt, you would have to enter coat +with a belt into Wordstat keyword tool.

2. Exact match, the Yandex way

It is possible to set keywords on what AdWords specialists would know as exact match by using quotation marks, which is quite confusing since in Google that would indicate phrase match, i.e. the opposite of what it means to Yandex.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Russian language has 7 cases, which involves changing the endings for all nouns and adjectives depending on a case. Do not worry about that, because all cases are included into Yandex’s exact match as well as plural forms.
If you wish to only bid on exact match of a plural form, for example, you would need to use an exclamation mark in front of the word.
Key phrase “cheap sofas” will trigger ads for search queries cheap sofas and cheap sofa.
Key phrase “cheap !sofas” will only trigger ads for the query cheap sofas.

3. Broad match, the Yandex way

There is a possibility to include synonyms, mistypes, transliterated words etc. and all the other stuff that Google would include in their broad match.
This feature is called “other relevant phrases” and needs to be manually activated. It is turned off by default.